Our Story

Emma House was founded by two police officers and a group of individuals concerned about the lack of supports and shelter space available for pregnant youth and women facing homelessness. Emma House became the first shelter in Calgary dedicated to providing caring support to expectant women and youth experiencing and vulnerable to homelessness.

Today, Emma House is one of three organizations in Calgary providing programmed housing to expectant homeless and at-risk women. Our safe house has provided shelter and support to over 200 expectant mothers from across Canada. These women and their little ones have had the opportunity to build new lives and promising futures.

At Emma House, we provide supportive programmed housing, 24/7 trauma-informed care and support, nutritional meals, baby care and personal hygiene items, life skills training, and other wrap around services. Residents are able to stay in the Emma House program up to 2 years after their baby is born to ensure successful transition into community.


Healthy Mothers And Babies Living In Community


Our mission is to provide housing and support for pregnant women and youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness; empowering them to move out of vulnerability and into a healthy and sustainable life for them and their child.

Learn about our services

Our 2022 Annual Report is out

This has been an exciting year for the development and growth of Emma House.

See our Annual Report